
No surprises here! I use a simple four-step process to help us get the most out of our working relationship.


Fill my short briefing questionnaire. This helps me collect key information about your project so it's easy for me to make a decision and save us both time.

Project chat

I'll go through the information and links you've provided and get in touch with you within one working day. If I think we're a good fit, we'll set up a meeting and flesh out the details. My rates start at $500 per blog post/article and go up from there. If you need recurring content, you can put me on a monthly retainer and I'll deliver excellent content at agreed times every month.

Writing the (first) piece

Once we're good on the details, you commission the first piece of content and I get to work. I work remotely and deliver your content within agreed timelines.


Now you get a chance to finally see the completed draft and make corrections. I offer up to two rounds of revision for every piece of content. Your feedback will improve the next draft.

Ready to hire me?

Great! Click the button below to get in touch.